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The Bridge Church Mission Statement

“To be God’s Bridge to all people, a span across the gap of where they are now… to where God created them to be.”

About The Bridge


All of life is a journey—

a journey toward who we truly are,

a journey toward who God created us to be.

And life’s journey isn’t an easy one … for any of us.

We all hit speed bumps, potholes, breakdowns, and roadblocks.

Sometimes we get completely off course or end up on a path that leads to a dead end.

And it’s at times like that when we need a bridge.

A bridge can take us over all of the pitfalls and get us back on course.

A bridge can span the gap from where we are today and where we could be tomorrow.

And a bridge can even lift us up and move us forward

in ways that we don’t see until after we’ve crossed it.

The Bridge Church is a place where you can experience all of that … and even more.

Together, we’re experiencing the healing power of God to lift us up and take us beyond the areas of our

lives that are broken or weak.


Together, through our strong Bible teaching, we’re discovering that the truth of Jesus connects to every

area of our lives and simply makes life better.

Jesus is the living bridge, re-connecting us with God through His sacrificial love, His unending grace, and

His abundant life. Through Him, we can move from where we’ve been to where we were meant to be.


The Bridge Church, where can it take you . . .

The Bridge Church
where can it take you …