• Valentines at the Park... Church Family Picnic

    Saturday, February 15, 2025

    11:00 am - 3:00 pm at C.B. Smith Park in Pembroke Pines
    Please Note this is a New Location!

    Will you be our Valentine?  We hope you will say yes and click the button below to RSVP for our Annual Church Family Picnic. This event is aways a great opportunity to just hang out together, have some delicious food and maybe even meet some family members you have never met before. 

    The food will be catered and cooked on site and drinks will be provided; we just ask that you bring a dessert to share. There will be and obstacle course for the kids... voluntary games to play... door prizes... and more.  We are able to host 300 people so please make sure and register before we fill up. 

    PLEASE RSVP by Friday, February 7.

    Click here to RSVP

  • Fearful to Fear-less Mind Masters Workshop

    Saturday, February 22, 2025

    9:00 am - 12:00 pm in Adventure Zone

    Fear is easily stimulated.  It reacts in a fraction of a second, and because it is linked to your survival, you take it seriously! Most have moved beyond the need to survive in the moment to the desire to thrive over a lifetime.

    Why is this thought process important?

    Because if we’re not extremely vigilant, that survival process WILL contaminate your thinking and get in the way of healthy thinking.  Fear will hold you back, keep you in an unhealthy comfort zone and stop you from achieving your greatest potential.

    Click Here to RSVP 

  • New... Marriage Enrichment LIFEgroup

    Two Options this Round... New Sessions will begin:

    Sunday, February 16, 2025 at 6:00 pm    or

    Wednesday, February 19 at 7:00 pm in the Auditorium/Gym

    A better marriage starts here... whether your marriage needs to be reignited or completely resurrected, re|engage is a safe place for you and your spouse to reconnect.

    Experience what marriage is meant to be. God has designed marriage to be a supportive, loving, life-giving relationship that mirrors His own unconditional love for us. Re|engage will help you better understand that design and learn how to apply it to your own marriage.

    There is hope for your marriage. Couples have seen their marriages transformed in spite of infidelity, apathy, conflict, divorce, and other marital issues.

    Click Here to Register

    Why Re|Engage?

    Stories of Hope & Restoration from Real Couples

  • College & Young Adult Meet Up

    2 Tuesdays a Month

    Next Meeting February 18 @ 7:00 pm in the Youth Room

    Join us for a time Bible Study, Discussion and Hang Out. If you don't like to laugh, this might not be the group for you because we like to have a good time!  We also draw from our "Events Jar" to see what outing we will do each month. So be thinking about something fun you have been wanting to do and just needed some friends to bring along. Hope to meet you soon! 

    Text or Email Tavaris & Felicia to RSVP... 

    786.445.3366  or  tfwilliams@gobridgechurch.org

  • The MomCo

    Friday, February 21

    10:00 am in the Living Room

    Childcare is Available

    A Community of Motherhood...

    We want to invite you to our MomCo meetings. We meet at The Bridge Church at 10:00 am two Fridays per month! We have childcare available while you enjoy socialization and a cup of hot coffee.

    As a mom community we...

    • Raise our kids and one another.
    • Boldly elevate motherhood.
    • Embrace the unexpected and imperfect.
    • Understand our direction is more important than our speed.
    • Celebrate often and loudly.
    • Know every mom has a place with us.
    • Follow Jesus and invite others to journey with us.
  • Men Conference... "Man Up"

    Saturday, March 15 @ 8:30 am - 2:30 pm

    In the Family Life Center Auditorium

    Complementary T-Shirt with RSVP

    Don't miss this opportunity for fellowship, praise, worship, and prayer with like-minded individuals.

    The conference agenda is as follows:

    8:00 am - 8:20 am... Sign In/Get Conference Material

    8:20 am - 8:50 am... Light Breakfast & Worship

    9:00 am - 10:00 am... Breakout Session 1 (Choose your session on RSVP Form)

    10:15 am - 11:15 am... Breakout Session 2 (Choose your session on RSVP Form)

    11:30 am -12:30 pm... Recap and Complimentary Lunch

    Please share this invitation with others who would benefit from this transformative event. We look forward to sharing a great time with you!

    Click Here to RSVP...  

  • Wellness Groups

    Tuesday Nights

    7:00 pm in Various Rooms

    GriefShare... a 13-week Program for those grieving the loss of a loved one no matter how long it has been since you lost this person.

    DivorceCare... a 13-week program for those experiencing separation and divorce which can be one of the most painful human experiences. You don't have to do this alone.

    Financial Peace University... a 9 week program to help you take control of your financial future, get out of debt, and experience financial freedom and peace. 

    Learn More and Register for Wellness Groups

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  • Awana Kids Clubs

    Pizza Blast Kick-off & Parent Orientation Night
    Wednesdays @ 7:00 pm

    Kids 3 years old - 12th Grade

    $30 Per Child

    Awana is an International Program that helps churches and parents work together to develop spiritually strong children and youth who faithfully follow Jesus Christ.

    There is excitement every Wednesday night with games, lesson and book time.

    Special events such as Sailboat Race… Grand Prix...

    and special theme nights are sprinkled throughout the year.

    Parents, we ask that you pre-register your children before you come to Pizza Blast & Orientation Night.

    Click Here to Register

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  • List Item

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