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Bridge Women

Women today experience spiritual growth through a variety of venues and opportunities both inside and outside the church. The Women’s Initiatives Team works to provide the ladies of our church opportunities to:

  • Work on charitable projects such as mission outreach, home missions, charity, or community project putting to work the gifts/talents given by God and contributing to the needs of others. There is nothing more satisfying than giving with nothing expected in return. ~ Philippians 2:1-30
  • There are a variety of issues and areas of need for women today that should be a focus for the women giving them opportunity grow spiritually through Bible study, exploration of scripture, roundtable discussion and learning to make application to everyday life. ~ Ephesians 4:15-16
  • Fellowship and network in the intergenerational church we live in today purposely seeking connection to all generations of women. No matter what age we are as women, there is always a generation or two behind us to invest in and a generation in front of us for us to learn from. ~ Deuteronomy 4:9

Become a ministry partner with Women’s Initiatives by signing up today for any of the many events, meetings or outreach projects.

Ladies LIFEgroups

Wednesday Mornings… Wednesday Nights…

We offer a variety of LIFEgroup opportunities, several specifically for ladies. We believe we were made for connection and there is power numbers. Visit our LIFEgroups page to explore the options and see which group may fit your current needs best. Let’s do life together!

MOPS: for Mothers of Preschoolers

2 Fridays a month during the school year from 9:15 – 11:30 am in Adventure Zone
Beginning September 8

Fee: $8 per session for childcare – first meeting is Free!

MOPS is a non-profit international organization dedicated to encouraging, equipping, and developing every mother of a preschooler to realize her potential as a woman, mother, wife, and leader in the name of Jesus Christ.

MOPS meets two Fridays a month and hosts playdates monthly at a nearby park.

This Year’s Theme is “Say Yes”…

Bridge Men


Thursdays @ 7:00 pm in the Adventure Zone

Men are being told LIES about what it means to be a man – and it’s literally killing us. We’re exhausted from the constant pressure, loneliness and feeling like we never measure up. Could there be a better way?

We’re here to help you discover a healthy vision for manhood and a community where you can be yourself. 33 The Series is a video series that helps men discover a healthy vision for manhood and become who they’re created to be.

There are 6 Volumes in this Series. We are going to begin with Volume 5 :: A Man and His Marriage. We encourage all men to join us whether you are married or not. Maybe even better if you haven’t been married yet so you can glean from the wisdom of this series before you have the opportunity to make mistakes those who have gone before you have made.

True understanding and a clear vision can change everything!

About Authentic Manhood & 33 The Series…

Authentic Manhood is all about setting men up to live lives of truth, passion and purpose. Our resources offer clear and practical Biblical insights on God’s design for manhood that are both refreshing and inspiring. We point men to a gospel-centered vision of life that sets them up to enjoy God’s grace as they pursue the promises of His Word.

Our resources, including the original Men’s Fraternity curriculum created by Dr. Robert Lewis, have influenced millions of men around the world. Our newest resource is “33 The Series.” It is a multi-volume, gospel-centered video series that presents the timeless truths of Authentic Manhood in a powerfully new and engaging way. It includes new insightful teaching, inspiring testimonies, expert interviews and multiple creative features. As a man experiences the different volumes of 33, he will find himself building a vision for Authentic Manhood in his own life that is built on the gospel of Jesus Christ and was modeled by Him in His 33 years on earth.

Volume 1 :: A Man and His Design
Volume 2 ::  A Man and His Story
Volume 3 :: A Man and His Traps
Volume 4 :: A Man and His Work
Volume 5 :: A Man and His Marriage
Volume 6 :: A Man and His Fatherhood

Bridge Prime Timers 50 and beyond…

Tuesday mornings @ 9:30 – 11:30 am via Conference Call 954.613.9899

We, at The Bridge Church, have a sincere desire to see our Seniors grow in spiritual health, in Bible knowledge, and in prayer life. Our Prime Timers ministry is a ministry designed to especially meet the needs of men and women age 50 and beyond. This ministry is for both single and married men and women and offers an opportunity to enjoy praise and worship time with other mature adults.

Great songs are sung, strong friendships are established, and a great lesson from God’s Word is shared…. It’s a fabulous time for all!

We’ll see you this Tuesday!